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栏目:综合技术时间:2015-03-16 10:51:55


1.Yaoxue Zhang and Yuezhi Zhou. Transparent Computing: A New Paradigm for Pervasive Computing, LNCS 4159, 2006 年第11⑴1.

2.Yaoxue Zhang and Yuezhi Zhou. 4VP+: A Novel Meta OS Approach for Streaming Programs in Ubiquitous Computing, in Proc. of the IEEE21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking andApplications (AINA 2007), 2007 年第1394⑷03.

3.Yaoxue Zhang, K. Takahashi, N. Shiratori, and S. Noguchi. AnInteractive Protocol Synthesis Algorithm Using a Global StateTransition Graph, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 198814(3)394⑷04.  

4.Yaoxue Zhang, Hua Chen. A knowledge-based dynamic job-scheduling inlow-volume/high-variety manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence inEngineering (UK), 1999 13(3)241⑵50.

5.林闯.计算机网络和计算机系统的性能评价,清华大学出版社,ISBN:7⑶02-04267⑸,2001 年卷109⑴29.  

6.Fengyuan Ren, Chuang Lin, Xunhe Yin. Design a congestion controllerbased on sliding mode variable structure control, ComputerCommunications, 2005 28(9)1050⑴061.  

7.Fengyuan Ren, Chuang Lin, Bo Wei. A robust active queue managementalgorithm in large delay networks, Computer Communications, 2005 28(5)485⑷93.  

8.Jianer Chen, Guojun Wang, and Songqiao Chen. Locallysubcube-connected hypercube networks: theoretical analysis andexperimental results, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2002 51(5)530⑸40.

因而可知,第1篇”ANew Paradigm for Pervasive Computing,“(发表于2006年);第2篇”ANovel Meta OS Approach for Streaming Programs in UbiquitousComputing“(发表于2007年)。这两篇论文算是张尧学等人获奖的”主力根据“,其余各篇不关主题(透明计算)。

我们应当知道的是,”Pervasive Computing“与”UbiquitousComputing“,在英文中都是“无所不在计算”(即普适计算)的意思。由此说明,张尧学等人的获奖项目应当归属于“普适计算”范畴。在国际上,这根本不算是甚么新“发明”,早在1988年美国Mark Weiser就提出了这1概念。


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