mysql 的模板,网上都在使用的这个地址 已访问不到了
cd /var/www/html
mv percona-cacti-templates⑴.1.4⑴.noarch.rpm .
rpm2cpio percona-cacti-templates⑴.1.4⑴.noarch.rpm | cpio -div
cp ./usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_get_mysql_stats.php /var/www/html/cacti/scripts/
vi /var/www/html/cacti/scripts/ss_get_mysql_stats.php
$mysql_user = 'cacti';
$mysql_pass = 'cacti';
导入模板:打开cactiy页面――>Console――>Import Templates――>阅读添加

Import Results
Cacti has imported the following items:
[success] Percona Turn Into Bits CDEF [new]
[success] Percona Negate CDEF [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Server Checksum 523e4d8178a000df8df3a9825c4e7e1e [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Server Version t1.1.4:s1.1.4 [new]
[success] Percona Normal [new]
Data Input Method
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MyISAM Indexes IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MyISAM Key Cache IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Buffer Pool IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB I/O IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Insert Buffer IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Insert Buffer Usage IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Semaphores IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Row Operations IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Table Locks IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Connections IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Replication IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Query Cache IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Query Cache Memory IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Command Counters IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Select Types IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Sorts IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Temporary Objects IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Network Traffic IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Buffer Pool Activity IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB I/O Pending IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Log IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Binary/Relay Logs IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Transactions IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Transactions Active/Locked IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Files and Tables IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Threads IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Memory Allocation IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Adaptive Hash Index IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Internal Hash Memory Usage IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Tables In Use IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Current Lock Waits IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Lock Structures IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Checkpoint Age IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Row Lock Time IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Row Lock Waits IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Semaphore Waits IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Semaphore Wait Time IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Processlist IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Transaction Handler IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Handlers IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Query Time Histogram (Count) IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/MySQL Query Response Time (Microseconds) IM [new]
[success] Percona Get MySQL Stats/InnoDB Buffer Pool Efficiency IM [new]
Data Template
[success] Percona MyISAM Indexes DT [new]
[success] Percona MyISAM Key Cache DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Buffer Pool DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB I/O DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Insert Buffer DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Insert Buffer Usage DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Semaphores DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Row Operations DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Table Locks DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Connections DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Replication DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Query Cache DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Query Cache Memory DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Command Counters DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Select Types DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Sorts DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Temporary Objects DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Network Traffic DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Buffer Pool Activity DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB I/O Pending DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Log DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Binary/Relay Logs DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Transactions DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Transactions Active/Locked DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Files and Tables DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Threads DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Memory Allocation DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Adaptive Hash Index DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Internal Hash Memory Usage DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Tables In Use DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Current Lock Waits DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Lock Structures DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Checkpoint Age DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Row Lock Time DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Row Lock Waits DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Semaphore Waits DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Semaphore Wait Time DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Processlist DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Transaction Handler DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Handlers DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Query Time Histogram (Count) DT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Query Response Time (Microseconds) DT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Buffer Pool Efficiency DT [new]
Graph Template
[success] Percona MyISAM Indexes GT [new]
[success] Percona MyISAM Key Cache GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Buffer Pool GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB I/O GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Insert Buffer GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Insert Buffer Usage GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Semaphores GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Row Operations GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Table Locks GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Connections GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Replication GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Query Cache GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Query Cache Memory GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Command Counters GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Select Types GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Sorts GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Temporary Objects GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Network Traffic GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Buffer Pool Activity GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB I/O Pending GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Log GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Binary/Relay Logs GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Transactions GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Transactions Active/Locked GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Files and Tables GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Threads GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Memory Allocation GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Adaptive Hash Index GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Internal Hash Memory Usage GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Tables In Use GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Current Lock Waits GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Lock Structures GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Checkpoint Age GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Row Lock Time GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Row Lock Waits GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Semaphore Waits GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Semaphore Wait Time GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Processlist GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Transaction Handler GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Handlers GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Query Time Histogram (Count) GT [new]
[success] Percona MySQL Query Response Time (Microseconds) GT [new]
[success] Percona InnoDB Buffer Pool Efficiency GT [new]
Host Template
[success] Percona MySQL Server HT [new]
Percona InnoDB Log GT
Percona MySQL Connections GT
Percona MySQL Threads GT

上拉到页面顶部,点击“为主机创建图象(Create Graphs for this Host)”,选择刚才的3个图象模板,创建。

点击 “图象树(Graph Trees)”――>选择 “默许树(Default Tree)”――>添加子树(Mysql_local)



跨服务器监控centos中的mysql :
yum -y install net-snmp net-snmp-utils
vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
#com2sec notConfigUser default public
com2sec notConfigUser public
access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact systemview none none
access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
#将 #view all included .1 80 前面的 # 注释去掉
view all included .1 80
service snmpd restart
grant process,super on *.* to 'cacti'@'' identified by 'cacti';
flush privileges;
snmpwalk -c public -v 2c

ll /var/www/html/cacti/rra