Browse LDA Topic Models
This package allows you to create a set of HTML files to browse a topic model.It creates a word cloud and time-graph per topic, and annotates a selection of documents with the topic for each word.
Installing 安装
if (!require(devtools)) {install.packages("devtools"); library(devtools)} install_github("vanatteveldt/topicbrowser") library(topicbrowser)
第1步提示要安装Rtools : Loading required package: devtools WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages, but is not currently installed. Please download and install Rtools 3.1 from, then run> find_rtools() [1] TRUE ... 安装完成后第1步就不会报错了
1. 当前我使用的R版本3.2.0, Rtools版本3.3会报错,要安装Rtools3.1!再看看官方的也是醉了!!!
2. 注意Rtools和R版本的兼容,没有毛病时的模样:
Creating a topic browser
1. 先要安装R实现的topicmodel包
上一篇 qt安装详解