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栏目:php教程时间:2015-04-08 08:55:14

作为C++设计模式中的单件模式归属于创建型模式之1,在软件设计进程中“出场“的机会还是很多,以下源码作为自己学习开源库代码时针对单件 模式做的1个总结,方便后期设计进程中的参考和学习。

#ifndef SINGLETON_HPP_ #define SINGLETON_HPP_ #include <boost/thread.hpp> namespace ts { /** *@breif *@note base */ class CLocalStaticInstantiation { protected: template <class T> static void create(T*& ptr) { static T instance; // 静态局部变量 ptr = &instance; } }; /** *@breif *@note Helper class */ template <class T> class CStaticInstantiationHelpler { // friend class friend class CStaticInstantiation; // holder static T instance; }; template <class T> T CStaticInstantiationHelpler<T>::instance; // 静态全局变量[这是1个技能,否则单个对象没法随时初始化] /** *@breif *@note support the static */ class CStaticInstantiation { protected: template <class T> static void create(T*& ptr) { ptr = &CStaticInstantiationHelpler<T>::instance; } }; template <class T> class CDestroyer { T *doomed; public: CDestroyer(T* q):doomed(q) {} ~CDestroyer(); }; template <class T> CDestroyer<T>::~CDestroyer() { try { if (doomed) { delete doomed; // 在这里主要支持heap对象的反初始化 std::cout << "delete [ " << doomed << " ]" << std::endl; } } catch (...){} doomed = 0; } /** *@breif *@note support the dynamic alloctor */ class CLazyInstantiation { protected: template <class T> static void create(T*& ptr) { ptr = new T; // 支持运行时分配 static CDestroyer<T> destroyer(ptr); // 由static去进行删除 } }; template <class T, class InstantiationPolicy=CLazyInstantiation> class CSingleton : private InstantiationPolicy { public: static T* instance(); }; template <class T, class InstantiationPolicy> T* CSingleton<T, InstantiationPolicy>::instance() { static T* ptr = 0; static boost::mutex m; if ( !ptr ) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m); // 支持多线程访问 if ( !ptr ) // 根据设计模式的设计思想来设计两次检查指针 { InstantiationPolicy::create(ptr); } } return const_cast<T*>(ptr); } } #endif // SINGLETON_HPP_

