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栏目:php教程时间:2015-01-19 09:05:54



编写1个删除C语言程序中所有的注释语句。要正确处理带引号的字符串与字符常量。在C语言中,注释不允许嵌套。 Exercise 1⑵3. Write a program to remove all comments from a C program. Don't forget to handle quoted strings and character constants properly. C comments don't nest.





#include <stdio.h> int state; int c1,c2; void change_state(int c); int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int c; state = 0; c1 = 0; c2 = 0; while ((c=getchar())!=EOF) { c1 = c2; c2 = c; change_state(c); } if (/* DISABLES CODE */ (0)==1) { printf("just test://abcd"); printf("just test:/*hello*/"); } } /*状态机函数*/ void change_state(int c){ if (state==0) {//普通状态 if (c=='/') { state = 1; }else if (c=='"'){ state = 5; putchar(c); }else if (c=='''){ state = 6; putchar(c); } else{ state = 0; putchar(c); } }else if (state==1) {//检测到1个'/' if (c=='/') { state = 2; }else if (c=='*'){ state = 3; }else{ state = 0; putchar(c1); putchar(c); } }else if (state==2) {// "//"注释状态 if (c==' ') { state = 0; putchar(c); }else{ state = 2; } }else if (state==3) {// "/*"注释状态 if (c=='*') { state = 4; }else{ state = 3; } }else if (state==4) { if (c=='/') { state = 0; }else{ state = 3; } }else if (state==5){//在"字符串里 if (c=='"') { state = 0; putchar(c); }else if(c==''){ state = 7; putchar(c); }else{ state = 5; putchar(c); } }else if (state==6){//在'字符里 if (c==''') { state = 0; putchar(c); }else if(c==''){ state = 8; putchar(c); }else{ state = 6; putchar(c); } }else if (state==7){//在"字符串里的"" state = 5; putchar(c); }else if (state==8){//在'字符串里的"" state = 6; putchar(c); } }


#include <stdio.h> int state; int c1,c2; void change_state(int c); int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int c; state = 0; c1 = 0; c2 = 0; while ((c=getchar())!=EOF) { c1 = c2; c2 = c; change_state(c); } if ( (0)==1) { printf("just test://abcd"); printf("just test:/*hello*/"); } } void change_state(int c){ if (state==0) { if (c=='/') { state = 1; }else if (c=='"'){ state = 5; putchar(c); }else if (c=='''){ state = 6; putchar(c); } else{ state = 0; putchar(c); } }else if (state==1) { if (c=='/') { state = 2; }else if (c=='*'){ state = 3; }else{ state = 0; putchar(c1); putchar(c); } }else if (state==2) { if (c==' ') { state = 0; putchar(c); }else{ state = 2; } }else if (state==3) { if (c=='*') { state = 4; }else{ state = 3; } }else if (state==4) { if (c=='/') { state = 0; }else{ state = 3; } }else if (state==5){ if (c=='"') { state = 0; putchar(c); }else if(c==''){ state = 7; putchar(c); }else{ state = 5; putchar(c); } }else if (state==6){ if (c==''') { state = 0; putchar(c); }else if(c==''){ state = 8; putchar(c); }else{ state = 6; putchar(c); } }else if (state==7){ state = 5; putchar(c); }else if (state==8){ state = 6; putchar(c); }

感谢@roma823 及其文章:http://blog.csdn.net/roma823/article/details/6364849

