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栏目:框架设计时间:2016-06-03 19:18:57


1 PC的键盘和显示器不是终端装备

While early IBM PCs had single color green screens, these screens were not terminals. The screen of a PC did not contain any character generation hardware; all video signals and video formatting were generated by the video display card in the PC, or (in most graphics modes) by the CPU and software. An IBM PC monitor, whether it was the green monochrome display or the 16-color display, was technically much more similar to an analog TV set (without a tuner) than to a terminal. With suitable software a PC could, however, emulate a terminal, and in that capacity it could be connected to a mainframe or minicomputer. The Data General One could be booted into terminal emulator mode from its ROM. Eventually microprocessor-based personal computers greatly reduced the market demand for conventional terminals.

In the 1990s especially, “thin clients” and X terminals have combined economical local processing power with central, shared computer facilities to retain some of the advantages of terminals over personal computers:

Today, most PC telnet clients provide emulation of the most common terminal, the DEC VT100, using the ANSI escape code standard X3.64, or could run as X terminals using software such as Cygwin/X under Microsoft Windows or X.Org Server software under Linux.

Since the advent and subsequent popularization of the personal computer, few genuine hardware terminals are used to interface with computers today. Using the monitor and keyboard, modern operating systems like Linux and the BSD derivatives feature virtual consoles, which are mostly independent from the hardware used.

When using a graphical user interface (or GUI) like the X Window System, one’s display is typically occupied by a collection of windows associated with various applications, rather than a single stream of text associated with a single process. In this case, one may use a terminal emulator application within the windowing environment. This arrangement permits terminal-like interaction with the computer (for running a command line interpreter, for example) without the need for a physical terminal device; it can even allow the running of multiple terminal emulators on the same device.


2 显示控制和计算机的悲欢离合

2.1 初期终端和计算机分离


2.2 PC把计算机和终端结合在1起




2.3 终端又出现在了工控计算机领域




3 云计算时期,终端复活



传统终端和主机直接的通讯协议主要是ANSIC编码的文本,所以也叫“文本终端(Text Termainal)或ANSI终端”,通讯的媒介主要是串口。


4 终端发展给我们的启发

  • 计算机各部份功能,分久必合,合久必分,终究“分”会成功!“分离”代表着模块化,代表着规范,代表着合作。只有分离,才能带来更多企业的合作,才能带来专注。

  • 通讯协议文本化是绝对的王者,2进制没法望其项背。1个人机皆可读的、与软硬件平台无关(想一想大小真个字节序问题和各种数据类型的2进制不统1情况吧)的文本化协议绝对胜过单纯的2进制流。文本化是Unix编程哲学的重要组成部份。从Unix的配置文件、日志文件到终真个通讯协议,再到云时期html,xml,json,文本始闪烁着耀眼的光芒!

  • 传统的硬件终端装备已灭亡,但是终真个概念、功能、习惯几近没有改变,依然以各种”伪终端“的情势成为Unix系统的重要组成部份。理解终真个概念是理解Unix系统的基础,也是理解Unix哲学的1个优秀案例。

