程序员人生 网站导航


栏目:jscript时间:2013-11-28 11:40:31



/* trim the blank chars at the begining/end of the string. */
String.prototype.trim = function(){
return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/g, '');

function print(e) { WScript.Echo(e);}

var JSON = {
encode any give object into a string in JSON format.
encode: function(obj){
var strDump = '';
var Temp = [];

if(obj === undefined)
strDump = 'undefined';
else if(obj === null)
strDump = 'null';
else if((typeof obj) === 'string')
strDump = ''' + obj + ''';
else if((typeof obj) === 'number')
strDump = obj.toString();
else if(obj instanceof Array)
Temp = [];

strDump = '[';
var i = 0;
for(; i < obj.length; ++i)
strDump += Temp.join(',') + ']';
else if(obj instanceof Object)
Temp = [];

strDump = '{';
var p = null;
for(p in obj)
Temp.push(p + ':' + this.encode(obj[p]));
strDump += Temp.join(',') + '}';

return strDump;
decode: function(strJSON){
return eval('(' + strJSON + ')');

parse the INI file, get the sections, keys and values.
IniBuilder builds the final result.
function IniParser()
this._iniContent = [];

IniParser.prototype.loadIni = function(file){
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var text = fso.OpenTextFile(file, 1, false);

var idx = 0;
this._iniContent[idx++] = text.ReadLine();

launch the parse process.
IniParser.prototype.doParse = function(iniBuilder){
if(this._iniContent.length === 0)

if(iniBuilder === null ||
iniBuilder === undefined)
throw new Error("Bad Builder !");

var row = 0;
var line = '';
for(; row < this._iniContent.length; ++row)
line = this._iniContent[row].toString().trim();

/* if it's a blank line or a comment, skip it. */
if(line.length === 0 ||
line.charAt(0) === ';')

var Temp = [];

/* whether is a section element. */
var foundSection = false;

var col = 0;
for(; col < line.length; col++)
/* the begining of a section element */
if(line.charAt(col) === '[')
foundSection = true;

/* the end of a section element */
else if(foundSection && line.charAt(col) === ']')

var strTemp = Temp.join('');

/* It can be only section element or key-value pair element. */
var pair = strTemp.split('=');
var key = pair[0].toString().trim();
var value = pair[1].toString().trim();
iniBuilder.onKeyValue(key, value);

build the final result of ini according to the given elements(sections keys and values).
function IniBuilder()
this._result = {};

/* the last section name */
this._lastsection = 'DEFAULT';

assemble the section elements
IniBuilder.prototype.onSection = function(section){
if(section === null ||
section === undefined ||
section.toString().length === 0)
section = 'DEFAULT';

this._result[section] = {};
this._lastsection = section.toString();

assemble the keys and values pairs. Their parent section is the last give one.
If there is none, then use "DEFAULT" as the default.
IniBuilder.prototype.onKeyValue = function(key, value){
if(key === null || key === undefined)
throw new Error("Bad Key !");

if(this._lastsection.length === 0)
this._lastsection = 'DEFAULT';

this._result[this._lastsection][key.toString()] = value;

Get the parse result in JSON string format.
IniBuilder.prototype.outJSON = function(){
return JSON.encode(this._result);

Get the parse result in XML string format.
IniBuilder.prototype.outXML = function(){
/* TO be implemented */

Director for IniParser and IniBuilder.
function IniDirector(iniParser, iniBuilder)
this._iniParser = iniParser;
this._iniBuilder = iniBuilder;

IniDirector.prototype.parseIni = function(file){

IniDirector.prototype.getJSON = function(){
return this._iniBuilder.outJSON();

IniDirector.prototype.getXML = function(){
return this._iniBuilder.outXML();

/* test code */
var parser = new IniParser();
var builder = new IniBuilder();
var director = new IniDirector(parser, builder);
/* please provide your own INI file. */

