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TimesTen 数据库复制学习:9. 更改Active Standby Pair

栏目:数据库应用时间:2016-07-08 16:03:02

在Active Standby Pair中复制DDL语句

在以下的例子中,active master为cachedb2, standby master为cachedb1

在Active Standby Pair复制数据库对象

DDLReplicationLevel 连接属性可以控制复制对象的行动。
DDLReplicationLevel = 1:不复制表,索引和同义词的create 和 drop,只复制复制表的添加和删除列操作
DDLReplicationLevel = 2: 缺省,复制表,索引和同义词的create 和 drop;DDLReplicationAction 必须设置为INCLUDE(缺省)
DDLReplicationLevel = 3:除2 的所有行动外,还复制视图,序列,ttCacheUidPwdSet,和可以为1个表加1个非空的列


以下是DDLReplicationLevel = 2 的情形(缺省)

cachedb2> call ttconfiguration; ...... < DDLReplicationAction, INCLUDE > < DDLReplicationLevel, 2 > cachedb2> create table a1(a int, primary key(a)); cachedb1> select * from a1; cachedb2> insert into a1 values(1); cachedb1> select * from a1; < 1 > cachedb2> drop table a1; cachedb1> select * from a1; 2206: Table TTHR.A1 not found cachedb2> create table a2(a int); 17061: When DDLReplicationAction='INCLUDE' tables must be created with a primary key or a unique constraint on non-nullable column(s) cachedb2> ALTER SESSION SET ddl_replication_action='EXCLUDE'; <- 只是不复制DML,DDL仍复制 Session altered. cachedb2> call ttconfiguration('DDLReplicationAction'); < DDLReplicationAction, EXCLUDE > cachedb2> create table a1(a int, primary key(a)); cachedb1> select * from a1; cachedb2> insert into a1 values(1); cachedb1> select * from a1; cachedb2> create table a2(a int); cachedb1> select * from a2; cachedb1> repschemes; Replication Scheme Active Standby: Master Store: CACHEDB2 on TIMESTEN-HOL Master Store: CACHEDB1 on TIMESTEN-HOL Excluded Tables: <- 注意这里 TTHR.A1 TTHR.A2 Excluded Cache Groups: None Excluded sequences: None Store: CACHEDB1 on TIMESTEN-HOL Port: (auto) Log Fail Threshold: (none) Retry Timeout: 120 seconds Compress Traffic: Disabled Store: CACHEDB2 on TIMESTEN-HOL Port: (auto) Log Fail Threshold: (none) Retry Timeout: 120 seconds Compress Traffic: Disabled Store: _ORACLE from TIMESTEN-HOL Port: (auto) Log Fail Threshold: (none) Retry Timeout: 120 seconds Compress Traffic: Disabled cachedb2> ALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR INCLUDE TABLE a1; cachedb2> insert into a1 values(3); cachedb1> select * from a1; < 3 > cachedb2> repschemes; Replication Scheme Active Standby: Master Store: CACHEDB2 on TIMESTEN-HOL Master Store: CACHEDB1 on TIMESTEN-HOL Excluded Tables: TTHR.A2 Included Tables: <- 注意这里 TTHR.A1 Excluded Cache Groups: None Excluded sequences: None Store: CACHEDB1 on TIMESTEN-HOL Port: (auto) Log Fail Threshold: (none) Retry Timeout: 120 seconds Compress Traffic: Disabled Store: CACHEDB2 on TIMESTEN-HOL Port: (auto) Log Fail Threshold: (none) Retry Timeout: 120 seconds Compress Traffic: Disabled Store: _ORACLE from TIMESTEN-HOL Port: (auto) Log Fail Threshold: (none) Retry Timeout: 120 seconds Compress Traffic: Disabled cachedb2> create index idx on a1(a); 17063: CREATE INDEX can only refer to empty tables when DDLReplicationLevel > 1


cachedb2> drop table a2; cachedb2> ALTER SESSION SET ddl_replication_action='exclude'; Session altered. cachedb2> create table a2(a int not null); cachedb1> select * from a2; cachedb2> ALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR INCLUDE TABLE a2; 8000: No primary or unique index on non-nullable column found for replicated table TTHR.A2 cachedb2> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ixnewtab ON a2(a); cachedb2> ALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR INCLUDE TABLE a2;


cachedb2> ALTER SESSION SET ddl_replication_action='exclude'; Session altered. cachedb2> create table a2(a int, primary key(a)); cachedb2> insert into a2 values(1); cachedb2> insert into a2 values(2); cachedb2> ALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR INCLUDE TABLE a2; 17059: Replicated INCLUDE TABLE failed for (TTHR.A2) because the table is not empty cachedb2> delete from a2; cachedb2> ALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR INCLUDE TABLE a2;


以下的对象在DDLReplicationLevel = 2或3时可以自动复制
* Create, alter, or drop a user with the CREATE USER, ALTER USER, or DROP USER statements.
* Grant or revoke privileges from a user with the GRANT or REVOKE statements.
* Alter a table to add or drop a column with the ALTER TABLE … ADD COLUMN or ALTER TABLE … DROP COLUMN statements. These are the only ALTER TABLE clauses that are replicated. However, when DDLReplicationLevel=2, you cannot alter a table to add a NOT NULL column to a table that is part of a replication scheme with the ALTER TABLE … ADD COLUMN NOT NULL DEFAULT statement. You can execute this statement if DDLReplicationLevel=3.
* Create or drop a table, including global temporary tables with the CREATE TABLE or DROP TABLE statements. The new table is also included in the active standby pair.
* Create or drop a synonym with the CREATE SYNONYM or DROP SYNONYM statements.
* Create or drop an index with the CREATE INDEX or DROP INDEX statements.

以下的对象仅在 DDLReplicationLevel = 3时可以自动复制
* 视图
* 序列(sequence)
* ttCacheUidPwdSet 操作


对物化视图的操作,更改autorefresh mode,PL/SQL都不会复制


对active standby pair的其它更改操作

* Include or exclude a cache group.
* Add or drop a subscriber.
* Change values in the STORE clause.
* Change network operations (ADD ROUTE or DROP ROUTE clause).

1. 在active上停rep agent
2. 如果ASP包括缓存组,在active上停cache agent
4. 在active上启动rep agent
5. 如果ASP包括缓存组,在active上启动cache agent
6. destroy所有的standby和subscriber
7. 使用ttRepAdmin 克隆standby
8. 启动standby上的rep agent
9. 等待standby的状态自动变成STANDBY(ttRepStateGet )
10. 如果ASP包括缓存组,在standby上启动cache agent
11. 通过standby克隆subsc
12. 启动subscriber上的复制代理

