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weblogic 12C 在HP unix运行CPU 100%

栏目:数据库应用时间:2015-05-04 09:43:44

    有几个服务发布在HP unix上,weblogic版本是12c,服务器常常100%(多个cpu均是100%)。分析过当前的进程的状态,都是在GC。现象是CPU使用率上去以后就下不来了。



    服务器-->选中服务--> 配置-->优化 --> 高级--> muxer类:weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer 改成:weblogic.socket.DevPollSocketMuxer

     As per bug 18178560, WebLogic Server provides a non-blocking IO muxer implementation as the default muxer configuration. On 12.1.2 or after, non-blocking IO muxer is default implementation of Muxer. In default configuration, MuxerClass is set to "weblogic.socket.NIOSocketMuxer".
     Native Muxers and Java Muxer are old and deprecated. Bug 18178560 also suggests that switching to the native muxer may improve performance on some platforms like windows

     Native muxers use platform-specific native binaries to read data from sockets. The majority of all platforms provide some mechanism to poll a socket for data. For example, Unix systems use the poll system call and the Windows architecture uses completion ports. Native muxers provide superior scalability because they implement a non-blocking thread model. When a native muxer is used, the server creates a fixed number of threads dedicated to reading incoming requests.

    Currently it is just deprecated which means it is still supported at this point in time but may not be in the future To enable these muxers, muxer class name needs to be explicitly configured in MuxerClass.

Solaris/HP-UX Native Muxer : weblogic.socket.DevPollSocketMuxer
POSIX Native Muxer         : weblogic.socket.PosixSocketMuxer
Windows Native Muxer       : weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer

