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symfony 命令详解

栏目:access时间:2014-09-06 20:54:36

/symfony list

    symfony [选项] 任务名 [参数]

    –dry-run -n Do a dry run without executing actions.
    –help -H 显示帮助信息
    –quiet -q Do not log messages to standard output.
    –trace -t Turn on invoke/execute tracing, enable full backtrace.
    –version -V 显示程序版本
    help 显示任务的帮助信息 (简写h)

    list 列出任务

    app:routes 显示一个应用程序当前的路由信息

    cache:clear 清空缓存(简写cc, clear-cache)

    configure:author 设置项目作者
    configure:database 设置数据库 DSN

    generate:app 初始化一个应用程序 (简写init-app)
    generate:module 初始化一个模块 (简写init-module)
    generate:project 初始化一个项目 (简写init-proj)
    generate:task Creates a skeleton class for a new task

    i18n:extract Extracts i18n strings from php files
    i18n:find Finds non “i18n ready” strings in an application

    log:clear 清空日志 (log-purge)
    log:rotate Rotates an application log files (log-rotate)

    plugin:add-channel 添加一个新的PEAR频道
    plugin:install 安装一个插件 (简写plugin-install)
    plugin:list 列出已安装的插件 (简写plugin-list)
    plugin:publish-assets 将全部插件的web目录发布到项目的web目录下
    plugin:uninstall 卸载一个插件 (plugin-uninstall)
    plugin:upgrade 升级一个插件(plugin-upgrade)

    project:clear-controllers Clears all non production environment controllers (clear-controllers)
    project:deploy 发布一个项目到另外一台服务器 (sync)
    project:disable 在指定环境下屏蔽一个应用程序 (disable)
    project:enable 在指定环境下打开一个应用程序 (disable)
    project:freeze 冻结 symfony 库文件 (简写freeze)
    project:permissions 修改symfony项目目录的权限 (permissions, fix-perms)
    project:unfreeze 解冻 symfony 库文件 (简写unfreeze)
    project:upgrade1.1 将一个symfony项目升级到1.1
    project:upgrade1.2 将一个symonfy项目从1.1升级到1.2

    propel:build-all 生成model,form,生成sql语句并创建数据库 (propel-build-all)
    propel:build-all-load 生成model,form,生成sql语句,创建数据库并插入初始数据 (propel-build-all-load)
    propel:build-filters 根据当前的模型创建过滤器
    propel:build-forms 根据当前的模型创建表单
    propel:build-model 根据数据库结构创建模型 (propel-build-model)
    propel:build-schema 根据数据库结构创建schema (propel-build-schema)
    propel:build-sql 根据当前模型创建一个SQL (简写propel-build-sql)
    propel:data-dump 导出数据到 fixtures directory (propel-dump-data)
    propel:data-load 从fixtures directory载入数据 (propel-load-data)
    propel:generate-admin 自动生成一个module的后台
    propel:generate-module Generates a Propel module (propel-generate-crud, propel:generate-crud)
    propel:generate-module-for-route Generates a Propel module for a route definition
    propel:graphviz Generates a graphviz chart of current object model
    propel:init-admin 初始化一个module后台(propel-init-admin)
    propel:insert-sql Inserts SQL for current model (propel-insert-sql)
    propel:schema-to-xml 根据schema.yml生成schema.xml (propel-convert-yml-schema)
    propel:schema-to-yml 根据schema.xml生成schema.yml (propel-convert-xml-schema)

    test:all 运行全部测试 (简写test-all)
    test:coverage Outputs test code coverage
    test:functional 运行全部功能测试 (简写test-functional)
    test:unit 运行单元测试 (test-unit)

./symfony help app:routes

    symfony app:routes application [name]

    application The application name
    name A route name

    The app:routes displays the current routes for a given application:

    ./symfony app:routes frontend

./symfony help cc

    symfony cache:clear [--app[="..."]] [--env[="..."]] [--type[="..."]]

    别名: cc, clear-cache

    –app The application name
    –env The environment
    –type The type (default: all)

    The cache:clear task clears the symfony cache.

    By default, it removes the cache for all available types, all applications,
    and all environments.

    You can restrict by type, application, or environment:

    For example, to clear the frontend application cache:

    ./symfony cache:clear –app=frontend

    To clear the cache for the prod environment for the frontend application:

    ./symfony cache:clear –app=frontend –env=prod

    To clear the cache for all prod environments:

    ./symfony cache:clear –env=prod

    To clear the config cache for all prod environments:

    ./symfony cache:clear –type=config –env=prod

    The built-in types are: config, i18n, routing, module
    and template.

./symfony help configure:author

    symfony configure:author author

    author The project author

    The configure:author task configures the author for a project:

    ./symfony configure:author “Fabien Potencier <fabien.potencier@symfony-project.com>”

    The author is used by the generates to pre-configure the PHPDoc header for each generated file.

    The value is stored in [config/properties.ini].

./symfony help configure:database

    symfony configure:database [--env[="..."]] [--name[="..."]] [--class[="..."]] [--app[="..."]] dsn [username] [password]

    dsn The database dsn
    username The database username (default: root)
    password The database password

    –env The environment (default: all)
    –name The connection name (default: propel)
    –class The database class name (default: sfPropelDatabase)
    –app The application name

    The configure:database task configures the database DSN
    for a project:

    ./symfony configure:database mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example root mYsEcret

    By default, the task change the configuration for all environment. If you want
    to change the dsn for a specific environment, use the env option:

    ./symfony configure:database –env=dev mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example_dev root mYsEcret

    To change the configuration for a specific application, use the app option:

    ./symfony configure:database –app=frontend mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example root mYsEcret

    You can also specify the connection name and the database class name:

    ./symfony configure:database –name=main –class=sfDoctrineDatabase mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example root

    WARNING: The propel.ini file is also updated when you use a Propel database
    and configure for all environments with no app.

./symfony help generate:app

    symfony generate:app [--escaping-strategy="..."] [--csrf-secret="..."] application

    别名: init-app

    application The application name

    –escaping-strategy Output escaping strategy (default: )
    –csrf-secret Secret to use for CSRF protection (default: )

    The generate:app task creates the basic directory structure
    for a new application in the current project:

    ./symfony generate:app frontend

    This task also creates two front controller scripts in the
    web/ directory:

    web/%application%.php for the production environment
    web/%application%_dev.php for the development environment

    For the first application, the production environment script is named

    If an application with the same name already exists,
    it throws a sfCommandException.

    You can enable output escaping (to prevent XSS) by using the escaping-strategy option:

    ./symfony generate:app frontend –escaping-strategy=on

    You can enable session token in forms (to prevent CSRF) by defining
    a secret with the csrf-secret option:

    ./symfony generate:app frontend –csrf-secret=UniqueSecret

./symfony help generate:module

    symfony generate:module application module

    别名: init-module

    application The application name
    module The module name

    The generate:module task creates the basic directory structure
    for a new module in an existing application:

    ./symfony generate:module frontend article

    The task can also change the author name found in the actions.class.php
    if you have configure it in config/properties.ini:

    author=Fabien Potencier <fabien.potencier@sensio.com>

    You can customize the default skeleton used by the task by creating a
    %sf_data_dir%/skeleton/module directory.

    The task also creates a functional test stub named
    that does not pass by default.

    If a module with the same name already exists in the application,
    it throws a sfCommandException.

./symfony help generate:project

    symfony generate:project name

    别名: init-project

    name The project name

    The generate:project task creates the basic directory structure
    for a new project in the current directory:

    ./symfony generate:project blog

    If the current directory already contains a symfony project,
    it throws a sfCommandException.

./symfony help generate:task

    symfony generate:task [--dir="..."] [--use-database="..."] [--brief-description="..."] task_name

    task_name The task name (can contain namespace)

    –dir The directory to create the task in (default: lib/task)
    –use-database Whether the task needs model initialization to access database (default: propel)
    –brief-description A brief task description (appears in task list)

    The generate:task creates a new sfTask class based on the name passed as

    ./symfony generate:task namespace:name

    The namespaceNameTask.class.php skeleton task is created under the lib/task/
    directory. Note that the namespace is optional.

    If you want to create the file in another directory (relative to the project
    root folder), pass it in the –dir option. This directory will be created
    if it does not already exist.

    ./symfony generate:task namespace:name –dir=plugins/myPlugin/lib/task

    If you want the task to default to a connection other than propel, provide
    the name of this connection with the –use-database option:

    ./symfony generate:task namespace:name –use-database=main

    The –use-database option can also be used to disable database
    initialization in the generated task:

    ./symfony generate:task namespace:name –use-database=false

    You can also specify a description:

    ./symfony generate:task namespace:name –brief-description=”Does interesting things”

./symfony help i18n:extract

    symfony i18n:extract [--display-new] [--display-old] [--auto-save] [--auto-delete] application culture

    application The application name
    culture The target culture

    –display-new Output all new found strings
    –display-old Output all old strings
    –auto-save Save the new strings
    –auto-delete Delete old strings

    The i18n:extract task extracts i18n strings from your project files
    for the given application and target culture:

    ./symfony i18n:extract frontend fr

    By default, the task only displays the number of new and old strings
    it found in the current project.

    If you want to display the new strings, use the –display-new option:

    ./symfony i18n:extract –display-new frontend fr

    To save them in the i18n message catalogue, use the –auto-save option:

    ./symfony i18n:extract –auto-save frontend fr

    If you want to display strings that are present in the i18n messages
    catalogue but are not found in the application, use the
    –display-old option:

    ./symfony i18n:extract –display-old frontend fr

    To automatically delete old strings, use the –auto-delete but
    be careful, especially if you have translations for plugins as they will
    appear as old strings but they are not:

    ./symfony i18n:extract –auto-delete frontend fr

./symfony help i18n:find

    symfony i18n:find [--env="..."] application

    application The application name

    –env The environment (default: dev)

    The i18n:find task finds non internationalized strings embedded in templates:

    ./symfony i18n:find frontend

    This task is able to find non internationalized strings in pure HTML and in PHP code:

    Non i18n text

    As the task returns all strings embedded in PHP, you can have some false positive (especially
    if you use the string syntax for helper arguments).

./symfony help log:clear

    symfony log:clear

    别名: log-purge

    The log:clear task clears all symfony log files:

    ./symfony log:clear

./symfony help log:rotate

    symfony log:rotate [--history="..."] [--period="..."] application env

    别名: log-rotate

    application The application name
    env The environment name

    –history The maximum number of old log files to keep (default: 10)
    –period The period in days (default: 7)

    The log:rotate task rotates application log files for a given

    ./symfony log:rotate frontend dev

    You can specify a period or a history option:

    ./symfony –history=10 –period=7 log:rotate frontend dev

./symfony help plugin:add-channel

    symfony plugin:add-channel name

    name The channel name

    The plugin:add-channel task adds a new PEAR channel:

    ./symfony plugin:add-channel symfony.plugins.pear.example.com

./symfony help plugin:install

    symfony plugin:install [--stability|-s="..."] [--release|-r="..."] [--channel|-c="..."] [--install_deps|-d] [--force-license] name

    别名: plugin-install

    name The plugin name

    –stability (-s) The preferred stability (stable, beta, alpha)
    –release (-r) The preferred version
    –channel (-c) The PEAR channel name
    –install_deps (-d) Whether to force installation of required dependencies
    –force-license Whether to force installation even if the license is not MIT like

    The plugin:install task installs a plugin:

    ./symfony plugin:install sfGuardPlugin

    By default, it installs the latest stable release.

    If you want to install a plugin that is not stable yet,
    use the stability option:

    ./symfony plugin:install –stability=beta sfGuardPlugin
    ./symfony plugin:install -s beta sfGuardPlugin

    You can also force the installation of a specific version:

    ./symfony plugin:install –release=1.0.0 sfGuardPlugin
    ./symfony plugin:install -r 1.0.0 sfGuardPlugin

    To force installation of all required dependencies, use the install_deps flag:

    ./symfony plugin:install –install-deps sfGuardPlugin
    ./symfony plugin:install -d sfGuardPlugin

    By default, the PEAR channel used is symfony-plugins

    You can specify another channel with the channel option:

    ./symfony plugin:install –channel=mypearchannel sfGuardPlugin
    ./symfony plugin:install -c mypearchannel sfGuardPlugin

    Or you can use the channel/package notation:

    ./symfony plugin:install mypearchannel/sfGuardPlugin

    You can also install PEAR packages hosted on a website:

    ./symfony plugin:install http://somewhere.example.com/sfGuardPlugin-1.0.0.tgz

    Or local PEAR packages:

    ./symfony plugin:install /home/fabien/plugins/sfGuardPlugin-1.0.0.tgz

    If the plugin contains some web content (images, stylesheets or javascripts),
    the task creates a %name% symbolic link for those assets under web/.
    On Windows, the task copy all the files to the web/%name% directory.

./symfony help plugin:list

    symfony plugin:list

    别名: plugin-list

    The plugin:list task lists all installed plugins:

    ./symfony plugin:list

    It also gives the channel and version for each plugin.

./symfony help plugin:publish-assets

    symfony plugin:publish-assets [--core-only] [--symfony-lib-dir="..."]

    –core-only If set only core plugins will publish their assets
    –symfony-lib-dir The symfony lib dir

    The plugin:publish-assets task will publish web assets from all plugins.

    ./symfony plugin:publish-assets

    In fact this will send the plugin.post_install event to each plugin.

./symfony help plugin:uninstall

    symfony plugin:uninstall [--channel|-c="..."] [--install_deps|-d] name

    别名: plugin-uninstall

    name The plugin name

    –channel (-c) The PEAR channel name
    –install_deps (-d) Whether to force installation of dependencies

    The plugin:uninstall task uninstalls a plugin:

    ./symfony plugin:uninstall sfGuardPlugin

    The default channel is symfony.

    You can also uninstall a plugin which has a different channel:

    ./symfony plugin:uninstall –channel=mypearchannel sfGuardPlugin

    ./symfony plugin:uninstall -c mypearchannel sfGuardPlugin

    Or you can use the channel/package notation:

    ./symfony plugin:uninstall mypearchannel/sfGuardPlugin

    You can get the PEAR channel name of a plugin by launching the
    plugin:list] task.

    If the plugin contains some web content (images, stylesheets or javascripts),
    the task also removes the [web/%name% symbolic link (on *nix)
    or directory (on Windows).

./symfony help plugin:upgrade

    symfony plugin:upgrade [--stability|-s="..."] [--release|-r="..."] [--channel|-c="..."] name

    别名: plugin-upgrade

    name The plugin name

    –stability (-s) The preferred stability (stable, beta, alpha)
    –release (-r) The preferred version
    –channel (-c) The PEAR channel name

    The plugin:upgrade task tries to upgrade a plugin:

    ./symfony plugin:upgrade sfGuardPlugin

    The default channel is symfony.

    If the plugin contains some web content (images, stylesheets or javascripts),
    the task also updates the web/%name% directory content on Windows.

    See plugin:install for more information about the format of the plugin name and options.

./symfony help project:clear-controllers

    symfony project:clear-controllers

    别名: clear-controllers

    The project:clear-controllers task clears all non production environment

    ./symfony project:clear-controllers

    You can use this task on a production server to remove all front
    controller scripts except the production ones.

    If you have two applications named frontend and backend,
    you have four default controller scripts in web/:


    After executing the project:clear-controllers task, two front
    controller scripts are left in web/:


    Those two controllers are safe because debug mode and the web debug
    toolbar are disabled.

./symfony help project:deploy

    symfony project:deploy [--go] [--rsync-dir="..."] [--rsync-options[="..."]] server

    别名: sync

    server The server name

    –go Do the deployment
    –rsync-dir The directory where to look for rsync*.txt files (default: config)
    –rsync-options To options to pass to the rsync executable (default: -azC –force –delete)

    The project:deploy task deploys a project on a server:

    ./symfony project:deploy production

    The server must be configured in config/properties.ini:


    To automate the deployment, the task uses rsync over SSH.
    You must configure SSH access with a key or configure the password
    in config/properties.ini.

    By default, the task is in dry-mode. To do a real deployment, you
    must pass the –go option:

    ./symfony project:deploy –go production

    Files and directories configured in config/rsync_exclude.txt are
    not deployed:


    You can also create a rsync.txt and rsync_include.txt files.

    If you need to customize the rsync*.txt files based on the server,
    you can pass a rsync-dir option:

    ./symfony project:deploy –go –rsync-dir=config/production production

    Last, you can specify the options passed to the rsync executable, using the
    rsync-options option (defaults are -azC):

    ./symfony project:deploy –go –rsync-options=avz

./symfony help project:disable

    symfony project:disable application env

    别名: disable

    application The application name
    env The environment name

    The project:disable task disables an application for a specific environment:

    ./symfony project:disable frontend prod

./symfony help project:enable

    symfony project:enable application env

    别名: enable

    application The application name
    env The environment name

    The project:enable task enables an application for a specific environment:

    ./symfony project:enable frontend prod

./symfony help project:freeze

    symfony project:freeze symfony_data_dir

    别名: freeze

    symfony_data_dir The symfony data directory

    The project:freeze task copies all the symfony core files to
    the current project:

    ./symfony project:freeze /path/to/symfony/data/directory

    The task takes a mandatory argument of the path to the symfony data

    The task also changes config/config.php to switch to the
    embedded symfony files.

./symfony help project:permissions

    symfony project:permissions

    别名: permissions, fix-perms

    The project:permissions task fixes directory permissions:

    ./symfony project:permissions

./symfony help project:unfreeze

    symfony project:unfreeze

    别名: unfreeze

    The project:unfreeze task removes all the symfony core files from
    the current project:

    ./symfony project:unfreeze

    The task also changes config/config.php to switch to the
    old symfony files used before the project:freeze command was used.

./symfony help project:upgrade1.1

    symfony project:upgrade1.1

    The project:upgrade1.1 task upgrades a symfony project
    based the 1.0 release to the 1.1 symfony release.

    ./symfony project:upgrade1.1

    Please read the UPGRADE_TO_1_1 file to have information on what does this task.

./symfony help project:upgrade1.2

    symfony project:upgrade1.2

    The project:upgrade1.2 task upgrades a symfony project
    based on the 1.1 release to the 1.2 symfony release.

    ./symfony project:upgrade1.2


