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Leetcode 65 Valid Number DFA有限状态机

栏目:php教程时间:2016-09-26 08:06:51

Validate if a given string is numeric.

Some examples:
"0" => true
" 0.1 " => true
"abc" => false
"1 a" => false
"2e10" => true

Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You should gather all requirements up front before implementing one.

Update (2015-02⑴0):

The signature of the C++ function had been updated. If you still see your function signature accepts a const char * argument, please click the reload button  to reset your code definition.






class Solution { public: bool isNumber(string s) { int mp[9][6]={ {⑴, 0, 1, 2, ⑴, 3}, {⑴, ⑴, ⑴, 2, ⑴, 3}, {⑴, ⑴, ⑴, ⑴, ⑴, 4}, {⑴, 5, ⑴, 4, 6, 3}, {⑴, 5, ⑴, ⑴, 6, 4}, {⑴, 5, ⑴, ⑴, ⑴, ⑴}, {⑴, ⑴, 7, ⑴, ⑴, 8}, {⑴, ⑴, ⑴, ⑴, ⑴, 8}, {⑴, 5, ⑴, ⑴, ⑴, 8} }; int now=0; for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++) { switch(s[i]) { case '-': now=mp[now][2];break; case '+': now=mp[now][2];break; case ' ': now=mp[now][1];break; case '.': now=mp[now][3];break; case 'e': now=mp[now][4];break; case 'E': now=mp[now][4];break; default: { if(s[i]>='0' && s[i]<='9') now=mp[now][5]; else now=mp[now][0]; } } if(now==⑴) return false; } return now==3 || now==4 || now==5 || now==8 ; } };

